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Client Testimonial

After the neonatal loss of my daughter in early 2022, I was incredibly fortunate to find Rose. She has been by my side through my grief, helping me cope with the hardest time of my life. Rose provided coping techniques, a compassionate ear, a safe space, and the understanding I needed, which helped me care for myself and set necessary boundaries. Working with Rose over the last two years has meant I’ve never felt alone. I have immense respect for Rose and am deeply grateful for our relationship.

— Bernita

It Takes Courage to Seek Support

It takes courage to reach out. Many think their grief must be enormous to seek help, but no matter the size of your loss, your feelings are valid. Take the next step—pick up the phone and let's talk. A half-hour conversation can help sort through your emotions. Speaking with a professional about your grief can provide the support you need. Don't minimise your feelings; allow them to guide you towards healing and support.