Services — Grief Counselling and Therapy

You are not going mad. These feelings are normal.


Grief and Bereavement Therapy

Grief can be the most desperate anguish you have ever experienced and in today’s world grief is often, and unfairly, given an expiration date.

When grief is the result of death it can mean reaching out for someone who’s always been there only to discover, that when you need them most, they are no longer there.

I do not believe in time parameters for grief. Instead, my role as a grief counsellor is to nurture your understanding and exploration of it and to provide a structure that will enable you to visit the loss again and again over time.

Causes of grief

  • Bereavements, such as the death of a child, unexpected death or a suicide

  • Divorce or relationship breakdown

  • Career challenges including redundancy

  • Accident or major injury

  • Relationship challenges

  • Life changes including the process of ‘downsizing’

  • Terminal illness or disease

  • The death of a pet

The role of your therapist 

A grief therapist can explain you are not going mad and these feelings are normal and that you can find your way. My role as a grief therapist is to walk alongside, listen and support this sorrow as you find your way. It is to inform, educate, and explore your grief and loss.

Sometimes all that you need is reassurance and education about the grieving process, and you are ok to find your own way. Other times you need more. The one thing I am sure of is that everyone grieves at their own pace, in their own time and in their own way.

Client Testimonial

“Rose's expertise, compassion, and understanding have helped me emerge from the darkest grief following the loss of my beloved dad. With genuine empathy and kindness, she has gently guided me on a healing journey, free from judgment and at my own pace, and I’m very grateful for her ongoing support.”

— Andrea

Rosie’s approach



In grief, you may feel as though nobody is really looking after you and can't see what it is you’re suffering. I promise to acutely listen, to offer acceptance.

Be as you are with me and face no judgement.

An open-ended journey

The one thing I am sure of is that everyone grieves at their own pace. While a loved one may longer be in this world, your relationship still exists. Let our sessions be free of pressure to ‘get on with it’.



I’m not prescribing a timetable or checklist of ‘cures’, instead, my approach is to respect your individual place. Our sessions will be tailored as you, as you are a unique individual and your transformation through grief is unique too.

Transformational growth

For some, grief is an opportunity to expand life and it can be the start of a transformation. My experience with soul centred psychotherapy offers a deeper level of therapy (beyond counselling) for those who seek it.


You can find your way



Are you accredited?

I am a member of PACFA, the Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia. You can read detail about my qualifications and experience here.

Can I claim a Medicare rebate?

Unfortunately, I am not in a position to be able to offer mental health plans. However, I try to keep my fees reasonable as I know costs can mount. I am also willing to listen and act if cost is a barrier to receiving support.

Do I need a referral from a doctor?

I am often asked if I require a referral from a doctor. The simple answer is no; I don't need a referral. Anyone can be in contact without needing to be referred.

How much does it cost?

My costs are $150 per hour. The time for sessions can vary; however, most are no longer than 90 minutes, with many at one hour. As previously stated, I can be flexible around costs.

Where are you located?

My office is located in Point Cook, in the western suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. Point Cook is a 10 min drive from Werribee, a 25 min drive from Melbourne and 30 mins drive from Geelong.

What if travel is a barrier for me?

I am available on teleservices if the distance is a barrier. During our numerous lockdowns, my clients continued with help via phone, FaceTime and Zoom. While it's ideal to meet face to face, it does not prohibit clients from receiving support and therapy.

Client Testimonial

Rose understands the complexity of my personal challenges and my grief better than anyone. She has been working with me for more than a year now, and she has quite been an anchor at a challenging time, without which I would have been completely and dangerously overwhelmed.

— Lucy